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Women in Gaming: Voiceover Special Podcast Episode

In case you haven’t seen our recent posts across social media we have an epic podcast coming up!

Sam Hughes will be joined by award winning line-up; Victoria Atkin, Cissy Jones and Patrica Summersett, (AKA Evie Frye, Delilah June and Princess Zelda, among their many other awesome characters) to answer YOUR questions.

That’s right, we’re accepting questions from anyone and everyone and we’ll pick the best ones to ask on the day we record.

To get involved. comment/reply to any of our social media pinned posts linked below or via the guests social media channels.

It’ll be an exciting episode for sure so definitely keep an ear out and get in touch!


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Sam Hughes
Sound designer, voice actor, musician and beyond who just has a big passion for conversations, knowledge sharing, connecting people and bringing some positivity into the world.

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