Yooka Laylee Interview with Playtonic Games’ Audio Director, Dan Murdoch

Sam Hughes chats with Playtonic Games' Audio Director, Dan Murdoch about the audio for awesome game Yooka Laylee. They discuss the influences of Banjo Kazooie, going from indies, to Junior Sound Designer at Rocksteady, to lead on a project, and more!  You can also check out our interviews with composers, Grant Kirkhope

Yooka-Laylee Audio Review

Article by Alyx Jones Edited by Sam Hughes Developer: Playtonic Games Composers: Grant Kirkhope, David Wise & Steve Burke  Audio Director: Dan Murdoch Reviewed on: PS4 Since the days of Spyro and Crash Bandicoot, there has been a real lack of children's games on consoles. Of course, there is the amazing Lego franchise and Spyro’s reincarnation

EGX 2016 Review

From the 22-25th of September, The NEC, Birmingham becomes home to the UK's biggest games event of the year: EGX. Packed full of games for everyone to play from big AAA titles like Unchartered and Call of Duty, to smaller, but just as anticipated games such as Yooka-Laylee and Unbox

Interview-Tooie with Grant Kirkhope

Grant Kirkhope Interview

WARNING: Strong language used at points. Edited by Doug Waters. Grant Kirkhope once again joins Sam Hughes for a chat about Yooka-Laylee, Banjo-Kazooie, his time at Rare, great British food and more! Grant is a BAFTA nominated composer who has created the soundtrack to video games that have sold in excess of 25 million copies.