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Fryda Wolff Part 7 the FINAL PART!

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It has to be said we’re kind of sad we’ll have no more parts of our Fryda Wolff interview to upload as this is the ultimate part, Part 7!

Talented Voice Actress Fryda Wolff gives us a great insight on on sound design, the gaming industry and voice acting.
Talented Voice Actress Fryda Wolff gives us a great insight on on sound design, the gaming industry and voice acting.

In the final part of our interview with voice artist Fryda Wolff, Fryda gives her top tips for aspiring sound designers and voice artists.

We hope you’ve enjoyed the interview as much as we have and it helps all of you on your journey!

Interview with Professional Voice Artist, Fryda Wolff


The Sound Architect

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Sam Hughes
Sound designer, voice actor, musician and beyond who just has a big passion for conversations, knowledge sharing, connecting people and bringing some positivity into the world.

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