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Sontronics STC-3X Pack Review!

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We’ve not covered microphones yet, so welcome to our first ever microphone review, covering the STC-3X Pack from Sontronics! The STC-3X (like all of Sontronics microphones) was designed and developed in the UK by Trevor Coley.  Sontronics beta-test all their new mics with top producers including Flood, Paul Epworth and the engineers at Abbey Road Studios.

Firstly here’s a few words from Sam Hughes describing the mic and also demonstrating it’s suitability for spoken voice and acoustic guitar. The mic was recorded in the positions shown below for voice and guitar accordingly:


Read our full review here: Sontronics STC-3X Pack Review!


The Sound Architect™

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Sam Hughes
Sound designer, voice actor, musician and beyond who just has a big passion for conversations, knowledge sharing, connecting people and bringing some positivity into the world.

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