Ringing Rocks Sound Library Review

cover image for the ringing rocks sound library

Reviewed by Willy McCarter. Edited by Sam Dudley Developer & Sound Designer: Thomas Rex Beverly Publisher: Thomas Rex Beverly Reviewed on: Macbook Pro   Introduction Earlier on this year, I was lucky enough to pick a copy of the sound library Ringing Rocks produced by Thomas Rex Beverly who is a sound library creator and field recorder

NEW from Umlaut Audio: Introducing CLOUDS

Wispy Atmospheres Hanging in the Air like the End of a Sound With a Volume Pedal Clouds are Individual atmospheric textures grouped in distinct tone and key yet with variations. Clouds features a collection of 94 sounds focused on a very specific usage. These sounds are organic wispy atmospheres that are

GORE Sound Library Review

Review by Katie Tarrant Edited by Sam Hughes Developer: SoundMorph Contributors: Michael Leaning GORE is available here: https://www.soundmorph.com/product/57/gore SoundMorph are a renowned name amongst the audio industry and deservedly so. Founded in 2013, they have brought out a collection of impressive libraries, including the likes of Dust, Sinematic, and Robotic Lifeforms. The company’s intention is to create

Weaponiser by Krotos Review

Review by Katie Tarrant Edited by Sam Hughes Developer: Krotos Audio Weapons is something that a lot of audio designers love, but not all of us know how to make. They are one of the most prominent sounds throughout the media industry, and one of the sounds that many of us rely on

The Odyssey Collection: Essentials Review

Article by Katie Tarrant Edited by Sam Hughes Content by: Richard L Anderson and Mark Mangini Published by: Pro Sound Effects Introduction The sound effects market is a growing industry that is filled with an endless amount of great content. The primary advantage of purchasing a sound effects library is to gain access to sounds

Future Weapons 3 Sound Library Review

Review by Katie Tarrant Edited by Alyx Jones Developer: SoundMorph Contributors: Nikolay Semenov and Vedran Kapetinic. Future Weapons 3 is available here: https://www.soundmorph.com/product/54/future-weapons-3 SoundMorph are a renowned name amongst the audio industry and deservedly so. Founded in 2013, they have brought out a collection of impressive libraries, including the likes of Dust, Sinematic, and Robotic

Elemental Sound Library Review

Review by Katie Tarrant Developer: SoundMorph Contributors: Michael Leaning & Rostislav Trifonov Elemental is available here: https://www.soundmorph.com/product/53/elemental SoundMorph are a renowned name amongst the audio industry and deservedly so. Founded in 2013, they have brought out a collection of impressive libraries, including the likes of Dust, Sinematic, and Robotic Lifeforms. The company’s intention is

Cinematic Winds Review

Review by Jake Basten Edited by Katie Tarrant Developer: Pro Sound Effects Contributors: Ann Kroeber & Alan Splet Reviewed on: PC 3.2 GHz Intel Core i5 Note: If you are interested in buying Cinematic Winds, Pro Sound Effects are offering an exclusive special offer for our readers of $20 off for the first 50 customers! Use discount code

Pro Sound Effects: Hybrid Sound Effects Library Review

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Reviewed by: Doug Waters Developer: Pro Sound Effects Significant Contributors: Ric Viers, Stephan Schütze, Kenneth Skoglund Reviewed on: iMac 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5 NOTE:  Since this review was written, Pro Sound Effects released the Hybrid Library 2017 – the latest edition of their best overall value general sound library. Designed to be your go-to source